
How You Can Make Company Equipment Returns Fast and Easy

How You Can Make Company Equipment Returns Fast and Easy

Do you operate a business that functions remotely or at least in part remotely? If you answered yes to that question then you are fairly familiar with the stress that a remote business model can create. You are also a part of an ever-growing trend of businesses that are allowing remote work, which means you also know that’s important to automate remote employee company equipment return in the event of onboarding and offboarding in a decentralized workforce.

In fact, according to Upwork by 2028 73% of all departments are expected to employ remote workers. Furthermore, research by Global Workplace Analytics shows that the number of people that work-from-home has increased an astounding 159% since 2009.

In this article we will explore some of the challenges remote businesses face, the benefits of working remotely and one way you can totally eliminate the stress created by the last challenge left to be solved: Company Equipment Returns

Remote Work Challenges

Typical Remote Challenges

  1. Building and maintaining trust among employer and employee
  2. Productivity and task tracking
  3. Time zone, location differences
  4. Project management
  5. Navigating cultural and language barriers

General Challenge Statistics

➡️ According to employees that were interviewed by Buffer the three biggest challenges associated with working remotely is unplugging after work (22%), loneliness (19%) and communication issues (17%)

➡️ Only 16% of employees believe their managers involve them in goal setting process

➡️ Regular training is provided to only 70% of remote workers

➡️ Remote workers pose a greater security risk compared to traditional workers according to 54% of IT professionals

➡️ Only 23% of employees say their company covers the cost of co-working spaces memberships

Not all companies were quick to welcome remote work and only saw it as a means to an end expecting operations to return to normal as we entered an endemic phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Two years removed from the start of the pandemic there are challenges to working remotely, but most businesses have come to realize that there are benefits for both employee and employer.

Let’s gloss over the benefits both employee and employer enjoy from a work-from-home model.

Employee benefits:

➡️ Better work-life balance

Employees have embraced remote work because it provides a better work-life balance which contributes to improved mental health and productivity.

➡️ Ability to live and work from anywhere in the world

Being able to work remotely enables employees to work from anywhere. Want to live in a rural setting in Georgia, but work for company based out of the bustling city of Los Angeles? With remote work it’s more than possible.

➡️ Flexible hours

The typical 9 to 5 schedule is not feasible for everyone. With remote work flexibility is more easily provided to employees.

➡️ Reduce or eliminate commuting costs

The cost to commute to and from work has been increasing steadily, but with the recent surge in prices at the pump the pain has been felt by American drivers. Working remotely offers the chance to reduce or eliminate commuting costs entirely. In fact, MetroMile reports that employees could be saving as much as $7000 per year on commuting costs.

➡️ Reduce or eliminate childcare costs

While working remotely parents could possibly be saving up to $4000 per year on childcare costs. This is included within the commuting costs value, but is worth breaking down to explore where those savings are coming from beyond what is saved at the pump.

➡️ Accommodates individuals with special needs

It is not always easy or possible for people with physical disabilities and or mental health concerns to be able to work in the usual work environment. This can lead to unemployment, depression and the feeling of being less worthy than those without a disability. Obviously, this is not the case and remote work enables these people to work-from-home in a stable environment that is suited to their needs.

Employer benefits:

➡️ Increased efficiency in communication

With breakthroughs in team and project management software the ability for remote employees and employers to stay on the same page and communicate effectively has never been easier.

➡️ Increased productivity from employees

Working from home provides an environment with less distractions than in the typical office leading to increased productivity. In a study conducted by ConnectSolutions, 77% of employees that work remotely showed increased productivity with 30% doing more work in less time.

➡️ Decrease expenses on team building events

By working remotely employers can direct funds that would be spent on team building to areas of greater need. You can still conduct team building exercises remotely, but at a cost much lower than in person exercises.

➡️ Improved employee health and wellness

When your employees have improved health and wellness productivity increases, happiness and morale rises, the work atmosphere becomes more welcoming and turn over drops. It’s a win for both parties.

The Final Challenge

By now you most likely have meticulously and thoughtfully scrutinized every detail as your business transitioned into remote work operations EXCEPT for company equipment returns. It’s an area often overlooked, but can create unneeded stress for a remote business. If you make it easy for remote employees to return equipment, you’ll ease operations across the board.

ReadyReturns is the software solution that creates a well-defined, streamlined and hassle-free process for company equipment returns. Without a well-defined process for your employees to follow, returns tend to be time consuming and can lead to company property being damaged, misplaced or lost entirely.

Interested in preparing for the inevitable future of remote work normalcy while discovering how ReadyReturns will help you overcome the final challenge of company equipment returns? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our dedicated specialists.

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