
How to Facilitate the Return of Company Owned Computers and Devices

How to Facilitate the Return of Company Owned Computers and Devices

Even as the world has moved into an endemic phase from COVID-19 remote working from home has emerged as a trend that is here to stay and will continue to grow. A study conducted by Owl Labs has shown that 80% of at-home workers expect to continue to work remotely 3x per week after COVID.

While some businesses have been slow to accept remote work as the new norm, many others have grown accustomed to this new era and even embraced it as they have discovered that it benefits both them and their employees. According to a study conducted by Stanford, hiring managers stated that employee productivity has increased by 22% since the start of working from home.

In another study conducted by Owl Labs, 72% of employees stated that the ability to work from home would make them less stressed.

Unique Challenges to Working Remotely

With the many benefits of working remotely it also presents a unique set of challenges that businesses need to be aware of and address to keep everything operating smoothly, including automating the return and exchange of company equipment from remote workers. These challenges include:

➡️ Making sure that employees continue to perform and produce adequately, positive motivation

➡️ Keeping company culture and teamwork intact

➡️ Ensuring all team members are connected and on the same page

➡️ Training employees on identifying potential cyber security risks including phishing emails and information harvesting websites

➡️ Facilitating hassle-free equipment upgrades, exchanges and returns

The Company Merchandise Return Dilemma

As companies have increasingly acclimated to operating their business remotely there are still needs that have largely still been unaddressed. One of those needs is having a designated set of procedures to streamline the return, exchange and upgrade process.

Without a known, company-wide, hassle-free, return procedure set in place it is highly likely that items belonging to your business could be misplaced or lost entirely while making the process tedious and time consuming.

ReadyReturns is the answer to facilitating the return of company computers and devices by providing equipment returns software making the process streamlined and procedural. Features include:

➡️ Set rules to require item images before the return QR code is created.

➡️ QR codes can be created by your employee and scanned from their mobile device to create a return label at any UPS Store.

➡️ QR Codes can be issued by an administrator or internal agent and automatically sent to the employee’s company email.

➡️ Require up to 3 images for each product being returned before the QR code is created. Images are saved as part of the RMA (return merchandise authorization) to verify against the return product received.

With ReadyReturns you know who sent a package, what is contained within that package and when to expect it to arrive. If you’re ready to relieve the stress of company item returns it’s time to check out ReadyReturns!

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