WooCommerce Marketing Tips That Will Get You More Conversions

Want more conversions? Make sure you glean this healthy list of WooCommerce marketing tips to take your strategy to the next level.

WooCommerce is one of the most popular shopping cart services available. It currently powers more than 2 million sites, including some of the largest online stores. Making your store stand out in an era where all a shopper must do is click over to the next one is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that you can take to attract new visitors. Use these WooCommerce marketing tips to gain the competitive advantage.

Integrate Product Reviews

WooCommerce offers the ability to add integrated product reviews to your online store. Doing so delivers numerous benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked.

The most powerful reason to add product reviews is because smartphone visitors are 124% more likely to make a purchase from an online store that features product reviews, whereas desktop and tablet users are 63% more likely to buy when reviews are featured.

Did you know that product reviews also can influence purchasing decisions by 53% overall? What’s more, product reviews are trusted by consumers just as much as word-of-mouth from family friends, as the chart below, which culls data from a Deloitte study, deduces.

It’s important to note that negative reviews also help you get more sales, with 68% of shoppers wanting to see a mixture of positive and negative reviews on a site before making a buying decision.

But wait, there’s more! Product reviews also help increase conversions exponentially. Here’s how this data breaks down:

  • One review can improve conversion rates by 10% or more.
  • 30 reviews can improve conversions by 25% or more.
  • 100 reviews can improve conversions by 37% or more.
  • Product reviews overall increase total conversions by 3% or more.

Offer Deals for Newsletter Signups

Your organic newsletter is one of the most powerful direct marketing weapons you have in your arsenal. But to take advantage of it, you’ll need to grow your subscriber base.

The surest way to do so is by serving new visitors with a timed popup that offers a one-time discount of 10%-20% off a purchase. It’s a great way to get more signups. Once subscribers have signed up, be sure you send them a creative and attractive onboarding email that welcomes them to your newsletter and explains the benefits of being a subscriber.

We’ve already crafted a great guide on How to Get More Ecommerce Newsletter Subscribers. Make sure you look at that, so you can use the valuable tips that are offered to increase your subscriber base across the board.

Also, make sure to checkout the Newsletter Subscription extension for WooCommerce. It works with MailChimp and Campaign Monitor, and also features an internal dashboard widget to give you real-time analytics and data that you can use to improve your marketing methods.

Make Your Shopping Cart Persistent

What is a persistent shopping cart and how does it help you get more sales?

A persistent shopping cart is a feature that keeps track of the items a visitor adds to the cart. If they bounce away from your store, upon returning, they see that the items are still in their cart.

Did you know that the overall cart abandonment rate is 66%?

In 2017, this cost online retailers an estimated $4 trillion in sales that could have—but never did—convert. The best way to counter this is by making your shopping cart persistent, which has been shown to create a sales uplift on otherwise lost conversions because 75% of consumers abandon carts but later return to the online merchant.

WooCommerce already offers a persistent shopping cart feature that can be turned on and off. It’s set to be turned on by default, as WooCommerce is coded in the PHP programming language.

Another step you can take to gauge the effectiveness of your WooCommerce persistent shopping cart is by updating your conversion goals in Google’s Analytics, explains a detailed guide by Practical Commerce. Doing so will give you a much clearer picture of how this simple feature helps you improve conversions.

Integrate a Social Strategy

Social media is one of the most powerful ways to attract new visitors and earn new customers. Using the power of reach, you can get new eyes on your brand and tap into the massive traffic flow that’s generated by social media daily.

Why social media? Here’s what the most recent social commerce statistics find:

  • 87% of consumers use social media to make a buying decision.
  • Favorable social product reviews increase conversions by as much as 9.5%.
  • 53% of ecommerce purchases were influenced by Facebook in 2018.

Getting your products noticed on social media is easier than you think. Consider using Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to market, as all three offer a way to integrate a buying function directly into the posts you’re marketing. Target your messages to consumers who are most likely to purchase, and monitor your analytics to make simple changes that increase your conversion rates.

Team Up with an Influencer

Getting the word out about your store is imperative. After all, you could offer the best products and prices all day long, but if nobody knows about it, who’s going to buy from you? In par with your social marketing strategy, you’ll also want to consider adding an influencer or two to the mix.

According to Snap Inc, 31% of consumers are influenced by celebrities and online personalities when they make a purchasing decision. But to get these influencers on board, you’ll have to preplan your outreach and have a good marketing budget.

On average, influencers can charge between $500-$5,000 per video or social post. So, if you’re planning a big social run, make sure you conduct ample research and find influencers that best appeal to the target market and geo location of the consumers you’re trying to reach while presenting them with the products they’re most likely to buy after being influenced.

Along the way, consider offering discount codes on the products you’re marketing so influencers can spread the word. This way, you can set up a specific coupon code in WooCommerce that tracks the return on investment you get from your influencer spend by culling data from each purchase that was made using that specific coupon code.

How effective are digital coupon codes? Here are some fast facts to consider:

  • 48% of companies are marketing with them.
  • 68% of consumers say they build brand awareness.
  • 68% of consumers say they improve loyalty.
  • Emails with coupons increase revenue by 48%.
  • 80% of shoppers will redeem a coupon this year.

Need even more WooCommerce marketing tips? We’ve got you covered. Check out this infographic we’ve create below to gain more insight. While you’re at it, make sure you have a look at our guide in LearnWoo, which delivers 7 powerful WooCommerce Marketing Plugins you can add to get more conversions.

WooCommerce marketing tips

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