
Step Two: Field File Upload for ServiceNow

The ReadyCloud App for ServiceNow makes it easy to get your corporate equipment back with only a QR code!

You are here as the next step in installing asset recovery as a natural extension of your ServiceNow workflow. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to upload the ReadyCloud Field File to ServiceNow.

Steps to Upload Field File to ServiceNow

  1. Click here to download the ReadyCloud Field File: readycloud-asset-return-ritm-fields.xml
  2. Search for Requested Item in ServiceNow
    • Navigate to the Search Bar in the ServiceNow interface.
    • Enter the term Requested Item and press Enter.

Configure the Requested Item

  • Right-click on the Requested Item Number and select Configure.

From the context menu, click on Table to open the table configuration settings for the requested item.

Dictionary Entries

  • In the table configuration, right-click on Dictionary Entries in the left-hand navigation panel.
  • Click on Open in New Tab to open the dictionary entry configuration in a new browser tab.

Import XML into the Table

  • In the new tab that opens, right-click on the Table Name where you want to upload the field file.
  • From the context menu, select Import XML.

Upload the Field File

  • A pop-up window will appear prompting you to upload an XML file.
  • Click on Choose File and locate the XML file you previously downloaded.

Once selected, click Upload to begin the import process.

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