
This API lets you define and read a catalog of products. A product is some kind of item being sold. Products are often physical, but don’t have to be; a digital download (such as a movie, music or e-book file) also qualifies as a product. A product is sometimes referred to as ‘a SKU’.

Products collection


Retrieve list of products of a specific organization.

GET /orgs/{org_pk}/products/

  • Parameters

    • filters: GET parameters to filter results.

      Filters will limit the Products returned, all filters are optional, multiple filters can be specified. Right now Products have only one filter.

      • updated_at__gte - Product update time (in ReadyCloud). Accepts ISO 8601 timestamp, with timezone defaulting to UTC, such as: 2016-09-26T07:45:14Z. Products with values greater than or equal the supplied value will be returned, respectively. Example: ?updated_at__gte=2016-09-26T07:45:14Z products created after Sep. 26th 2016 at 7:45:14 UTC time will be returned.

Example request:

curl -iL --request GET "https:/"

Response 200 (application/json):

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "code": "1",
            "commodity_code": "C-1",
            "created_at": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
            "custom_fields": {},
            "description": "Item Description",
            "export_type_code": "SIM",
            "image_link": null,
            "joint_production": true,
            "kind": null,
            "link": "http://box.url",
            "net_cost_begin_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
            "net_cost_code": "NCC",
            "net_cost_end_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
            "origin_country_code": "US",
            "part_number": "PN-1",
            "pick_location": "Some location",
            "preference_criteria_code": "Criteria-5",
            "producer_info_code": "Yes",
            "quantity": 3,
            "scheduleb_commodity_code": "SCC-5",
            "source": {
                "account": null,
                "channel": null,
                "id": null,
                "name": "FedEx",
                "retrieved_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
                "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z"
            "unit_price": "15.00 USD",
            "unit_weight": "170.0000 g",
            "updated_at": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
            "ups": "ups123",
            "ean": "ean123",
            "isbn": "isbn123",
            "url": "/api/v2/orgs/1/products/1/"


Create new product for a specific organization.

POST /orgs/{org_pk}/products/

  • Attributes:
    • kind (string, required) - goods, discount, tax, adjustment

Example request:

curl -iL --request POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --upload-file data.json "https:/"


    "code": "ES-4335-64667-7565",
    "commodity_code": "C-1",
    "created_at": "2015-05-14T09:59:44.290553Z",
    "custom_fields": {
        "Special customer type": {
            "value": "Guest"
        "Top color": {
            "value": "Deep purple"
        "xml": {
            "type": "application/xml",
            "value": "<custom>Field</custom>"
    "description": "T-Shirt Unisex Black",
    "export_type_code": "SIM",
    "image_link": "",
    "joint_production": true,
    "kind": "goods",
    "link": "",
    "net_cost_begin_date": "2014-10-10T06:49:50Z",
    "net_cost_end_date": "2014-10-12T06:49:50Z",
    "origin_country_code": "US",
    "part_number": "PN-3",
    "pick_location": "Some location",
    "preference_criteria_code": "Criteria-5",
    "producer_info_code": "No[2]",
    "quantity": 15,
    "scheduleb_commodity_code": "SCC-5",
    "unit_price": "88.00 USD",
    "unit_weight": "29.00 g",
    "ups": "ups123",
    "ean": "ean123",
    "isbn": "isbn123"

Response 201 (application/json):

    "code": "ES-4335-64667-7565",
    "commodity_code": "C-1",
    "created_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
    "custom_fields": {
        "Special customer type": {
            "value": "Guest"
        "Top color": {
            "value": "Deep purple"
        "xml": {
            "type": "application/xml",
            "value": "<custom>Field</custom>"
    "description": "T-Shirt Unisex Black",
    "export_type_code": "SIM",
    "image_link": "",
    "joint_production": true,
    "kind": "goods",
    "link": "",
    "net_cost_begin_date": "2014-10-10T06:49:50Z",
    "net_cost_code": null,
    "net_cost_end_date": "2014-10-12T06:49:50Z",
    "origin_country_code": "US",
    "part_number": "PN-3",
    "pick_location": "Some location",
    "preference_criteria_code": "Criteria-5",
    "producer_info_code": "No[2]",
    "quantity": 15,
    "scheduleb_commodity_code": "SCC-5",
    "source": {
        "account": null,
        "channel": null,
        "id": null,
        "name": null,
        "retrieved_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
        "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z"
    "unit_price": "88.00 USD",
    "unit_weight": "29.0000 g",
    "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
    "ups": "ups123",
    "ean": "ean123",
    "isbn": "isbn123",
    "url": "/api/v2/orgs/1/products/2/"



Retrieve details of a specific product.

GET /orgs/{org_pk}/products/{product_pk}/

Example request:

curl -iL --request GET "https:/"

Response 200 (application/json):

    "code": "1",
    "commodity_code": "C-1",
    "created_at": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "custom_fields": {},
    "description": "Item Description",
    "export_type_code": "SIM",
    "image_link": null,
    "joint_production": true,
    "kind": null,
    "link": "http://box.url",
    "net_cost_begin_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "net_cost_code": "NCC",
    "net_cost_end_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "origin_country_code": "US",
    "part_number": "PN-1",
    "pick_location": "Some location",
    "preference_criteria_code": "Criteria-5",
    "producer_info_code": "Yes",
    "quantity": 3,
    "scheduleb_commodity_code": "SCC-5",
    "source": {
        "account": null,
        "channel": null,
        "id": null,
        "name": "FedEx",
        "retrieved_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
        "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z"
    "unit_price": "15.00 USD",
    "unit_weight": "170.0000 g",
    "updated_at": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "ups": "ups123",
    "ean": "ean123",
    "isbn": "isbn123",
    "url": "/api/v2/orgs/1/products/1/"


Update a specific product.

PATCH /orgs/{org_pk}/products/{product_pk}/

Example request:

curl -iL --request PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" --upload-file data.json "https:/"


    "image_link": "",
    "kind": "goods",
    "origin_countr_code": "CN",
    "quantity": 19,
    "unit_weight": "180 g"

Response 200 (application/json):

    "code": "1",
    "commodity_code": "C-1",
    "created_at": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "custom_fields": {},
    "description": "Item Description",
    "export_type_code": "SIM",
    "image_link": "",
    "joint_production": true,
    "kind": "goods",
    "link": "http://box.url",
    "net_cost_begin_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "net_cost_code": "NCC",
    "net_cost_end_date": "2013-07-11T20:49:00Z",
    "origin_country_code": "US",
    "part_number": "PN-1",
    "pick_location": "Some location",
    "preference_criteria_code": "Criteria-5",
    "producer_info_code": "Yes",
    "quantity": 19,
    "scheduleb_commodity_code": "SCC-5",
    "source": {
        "account": null,
        "channel": null,
        "id": null,
        "name": "FedEx",
        "retrieved_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
        "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z"
    "unit_price": "15.00 USD",
    "unit_weight": "180.0000 g",
    "updated_at": "2015-08-13T09:33:07Z",
    "ups": "ups123",
    "ean": "ean123",
    "isbn": "isbn123",
    "url": "/api/v2/orgs/1/products/1/"


Delete a specific product.

DELETE /orgs/{org_pk}/products/{product_pk}/

Response 204 (application/json)